- Addis Ababa 3
- Ethiopia 2
- 105 1
- Amharic 1
- English language 1
- Etiopia 1
- Master's Degree Programme in Educational Leadership 1
- academic achievement 1
- asuminen 1
- combined 1
- communication method 1
- curriculum 1
- curriculum design 1
- education 1
- elinkeinot 1
- englannin kieli 1
- hearing impaired 1
- interviews 1
- kaupungit 1
- koulut 1
- köyhtyminen 1
- köyhyys 1
- naiset 1
- opetussuunnitelmat 1
- opinion 1
- osuustoiminta 1
- private school 1
- public school 1
- resources 1
- resurssit 1
Child-centred curriculum leadership for the subject of English in Ethiopian primary schools
Julkaistu 2017Aiheet: “…Addis Ababa…”
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