- 602 2
- Mathematical Information Technology 2
- Tietotekniikka 2
- koneoppiminen 2
- machine learning 2
- radiologia 2
- radiology 2
- COVID-19 1
- arthrosis 1
- artificial intelligence 1
- diagnoosi 1
- diagnosis 1
- diagnostics 1
- diagnostiikka 1
- joints (musculoskeletal system) 1
- knees 1
- lääketiede 1
- medicine (science) 1
- neural networks (information technology) 1
- neuroverkot 1
- nivelet 1
- nivelrikko 1
- polvet 1
- tekoäly 1
Requirements for artificial intelligence used for the diagnosis of the COVID-19 from chest X-rays
Julkaistu 2022Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
An automatic method for assessing spiking of tibial tubercles associated with knee osteoarthritis
Julkaistu 2022Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu