- academic emotions 2
- tunteet 2
- 102 1
- Master's Degree Programme in Education 1
- academic achievement 1
- alakoulu 1
- antecedents 1
- cognition 1
- emotions 1
- kognitio 1
- learning difficulties 1
- learning environment 1
- motivaatio 1
- motivation (mental objects) 1
- opettaja-oppilassuhde 1
- opintomenestys 1
- oppiminen 1
- oppimisvaikeudet 1
- oppimisympäristö 1
- school transition 1
- siirtymävaiheet 1
- suoriutuminen 1
- teacher closeness 1
- yläkoulu 1
Mathemagic or Mathetragic : A Thematic Analysis of Student-reported Antecedents of Academic Emotions in Middle-school Mathematics
Julkaistu 2021Aiheet: “…academic emotions…”
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