- 3134 151
- Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication 151
- kulttuurienvälinen viestintä 122
- Intercultural Communication (maisteriohjelma) 40
- intercultural communication 26
- maahanmuuttajat 22
- monikulttuurisuus 22
- identiteetti 21
- kulttuurienvälisyys 21
- Suomi 20
- kulttuuri-identiteetti 16
- viestintä 16
- sopeutuminen 15
- Finland 14
- kulttuurierot 14
- vuorovaikutus 12
- kulttuuri 11
- Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus 10
- akkulturaatio 10
- interculturalism 10
- opiskelijat 10
- cultural differences 9
- culture 9
- stereotypiat 9
- communication 7
- cultural identity 7
- globalisaatio 7
- identity (mental objects) 7
- social media 7
- sosiaalinen media 7
Threatened by Europe? : national identities in European work environment
Julkaistu 2003Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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A comparison of two models explaining the same phenomenon : a comparative analysis of cultural intelligence and the integrated model of intercultural communication competence
Julkaistu 2013Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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International nurses' experiences and perceptions of their work orientation in Finnish health care
Julkaistu 2013Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Finland's foreign political language of the 1990's in communicating the nation's self positions : a text analytic approach to selected presidential speeches in between 1998 and 199...
Julkaistu 1999Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Tibetan refugees in Nepal : identity negotiation
Julkaistu 2015Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Exploring the phenomenon of host confirmity pressure : immigrants' experiences of host conformity pressure in Finland in relation to their acculturation processes
Julkaistu 2012Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Intercultural friendship development between Finnish and international students
Julkaistu 2011Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Kulttuuri ja psykoterapia : terapiapuhe kulttuurienvälisessä kontekstissa
Julkaistu 2010Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Conflict management in long-distance intercultural relationships
Julkaistu 2016Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Intercultural communication difficulties and their effects on flight safety
Julkaistu 2015Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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A comparative case study of Sony Computer Entertainment's crisis communication efforts during two PlayStation Network crises
Julkaistu 2015Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Discourses of integration : immigrants' perceptions of cross-cultural adaptation in letters to the editor
Julkaistu 2012Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Cultural identity gaps : a study of Zadie Smith's novels White teeth (2001) and On beauty (2006)
Julkaistu 2014Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Intercultural management competence in Finnish multicultural working life : case Aamujakelu Oy
Julkaistu 2010Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Serious games as catalyst for intercultural literacy development? : a case study of Immigropoly
Julkaistu 2017Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Culture and perceptions of power in teacher-student communication
Julkaistu 2011Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Identiteettejä etsimässä : tapaustutkimus suomalaisen äidin ja gambialais-suomalaisten tyttärien erilaisista identiteeteistä peilattuna joidenkin gamblialaisten naisten identiteett...
Julkaistu 2000Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Becoming a new Finn through language : non-native English-speaking immigrants' views on integrating into Finnish society
Julkaistu 2009Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Independence and involvement : an actor-perspective on building intercultural local societies in a globalised, postmodern world
Julkaistu 2004Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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Intercultural competence needs of exchange students coming to or going abroad from the university of Costa Rica
Julkaistu 2012Aiheet: “…Master's Degree Programme in Intercultural Communication…”
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