- johtajuus 4
- johtaminen 4
- distributed leadership 3
- 105 2
- Finnish schools 2
- Master's Degree Programme in Educational Leadership 2
- Shanghai schools 2
- hierarkia 2
- johtamiskulttuuri 2
- koulu 2
- koulunjohtajat 2
- kouluyhteisö 2
- opettajat 2
- oppilaitokset 2
- resource-agency duality model 2
- 102 1
- Chinese schools 1
- Distributed Leadership 1
- Distributed leadership 1
- Kiina 1
- Lifelong learning 1
- Master's Degree Programme in Education 1
- School Leadership 1
- Shanghai 1
- Student counselling 1
- Teacher Leadership 1
- Vietnam-Finland International School 1
- ammattitaito 1
- elinikäinen oppiminen 1
- international schools 1
Distributed leadership in Finnish and Shanghai schools
Julkaistu 2016Aiheet: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Väitöskirja -
Distributed leadership in Finnish and Shanghai schools
Julkaistu 2016Aiheet: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Väitöskirja -
The role of student counselling in school leadership : case study in Finnish and Russian schools
Julkaistu 2016Aiheet: Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Distributed leadership and teacher’ self-efficacy : the case studies of three Chinese schools in Shanghai
Julkaistu 2011Aiheet: “…Distributed leadership…”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -
Distributed leadership in a multicultural context : case study from Vietnam-Finland International School
Julkaistu 2020Aiheet: “…distributed leadership…”
Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu