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- Bretton Woods -instituutiot 2
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Trendien seuraajia vai henkisen hyvinvoinnin etsijöitä? : diskurssianalyysi eklektisestä uskonnollisuudesta suomalaisissa lehtikirjoituksissa
Published 2010“…Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu vuosina 2000–2007 ilmestyneistä lehtiartikkeleista. Artikkeleita on yhteensä 63 kappaletta, ja ne on koottu seitsemästä suomalaisesta lehdestä. …”
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Performance-related fear experiences, coping and perceived functional impact on highly skilled athletes
Published 2013“…Deductive and inductive content analyses were used to analyze the data: deductive content analyses used the categories of the IZOF model (cognitive, affective, motivational, bodily, motor-behavioral, operational and communicative; Hanin 2000, 2007) and inductive content analyses were used to identify the emerging themes. …”
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Recipes of success : the case of pulp and paper industry 1989-2015
Published 2017“…This was achieved by mainly employing the configurational approach, fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) (Ragin, 1987, 2000, 2007, 2008), a novel configurational method that overcomes important limitations of traditional correlational approaches. …”
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