Suggested Topics within your search.
- stable isotopes 22
- järvet 18
- isotoopit 16
- ravintoverkot 14
- stable isotope analysis 13
- 4012 9
- Akvaattiset tieteet 9
- Aquatic sciences 9
- plankton 9
- rantavyöhykkeet 6
- food web 5
- hiilen kierto 5
- nieriä 5
- selkärangattomat 5
- trophic niche 5
- arktinen alue 4
- bakteerit 4
- boreaalinen vyöhyke 4
- ekologinen lokero 4
- hiili 4
- kalanviljely 4
- lohikalat 4
- pohjaeläimistö 4
- ravinteet 4
- ravinto 4
- typpi 4
- ympäristönmuutokset 4
- dissolved organic carbon 3
- ekosysteemit (ekologia) 3
- fatty acids 3
Littoral-pelagic zone food web interactions in fishless, highly humic Lake Mekkojärvi
Published 2007Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Theoretical study of supernova neutrino and antineutrino scattering off the stable cadmium and lead isotopes
Published 2017Subjects: JYX julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Theoretical study of supernova neutrino and antineutrino scattering off the stable cadmium and lead isotopes
Published 2017Subjects: Yhteenveto-osa
Doctoral dissertation -
Testing the link between mercury accumulation and increasing trophic position in lake pike (Esox lucius L.)
Published 2004Subjects:Master's thesis -
Littoral-pelagic zone food web interactions in fishless, highly humic Lake Mekkojärvi
Published 2007Subjects: “…stable isotopes…”
Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Resource use of brown trout (Salmo trutta) colour morphs in a Norwegian coastal watercourse
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
A stable isotope study of the hydrological and carbon cycle in meromictic lake, Lovojärvi
Published 2012Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Environmental drivers of lake profundal macroinvertebrate community variation : implications for bioassessment
Published 2011Subjects: Get full text
Doctoral dissertation -
Environmental drivers of lake profundal macroinvertebrate community varation : implications for bioassessment
Published 2011Subjects:Doctoral dissertation -
Littoral energy pathways in highly humic boreal lakes
Published 2017Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Yhteenveto-osa ja 3 eripainosta
Doctoral dissertation -
Littoral energy pathways in highly humic boreal lakes
Published 2017Subjects: Yhteenveto-osa ja 3 eripainosta
Doctoral dissertation -
Functional paleoecology and allochthonous inputs in high latitude lake food webs
Published 2019Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Functional paleoecology and allochthonous inputs in high latitude lake food webs
Published 2019Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
Growth and population structure of perch in relation to diet in a small humic lake, Valkea-Kotinen
Published 2011Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Dietary niche and gut microbial responses to novel environment in bank voles artificially selected for herbivorous capability
Published 2023Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Microbial degradation of terrestrial organic matter and microplastics in boreal lakes
Published 2024Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation -
A comparison of the impacts of introduced signal crayfish and native noble crayfish in boreal lake ecosystems
Published 2014Subjects: JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
A comparison of the impacts of introduced signal crayfish and native noble crayfish in boreal lake ecosystems
Published 2014Subjects: Yhteenveto-osa
Doctoral dissertation -
Response of microbial biomass and carbon dynamics to changing hydrological conditions in old peat deposits
Published 2018Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation