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Sotatilalain vastainen rikollisuus Jyväskylän kaupungissa ja maalaiskunnassa vuosina 1939-1947
Published 2000Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Sotatilalain vastainen rikollisuus Jyväskylän kaupungissa ja maalaiskunnassa vuosina 1939-1947
Published 2000Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Post-communist historians on Ion Antonescu and his authoritarian regime in Romania 1940-1944
Published 2002Subjects: Get full text
Master's thesis -
Post-communist historians on Ion Antonescu and his authoritarian regime in Romania 1940-1944
Published 2002Subjects: Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Parliamentary oversight of the exceptional situations in a presidential system : debating the reassertion of the constitutional powers of the US Congress
Published 2013Subjects: Linkki verkkoaineistoon
Doctoral dissertation