- politeness theory
- 301 1
- American Civil War 1
- Englannin kieli 1
- English 1
- Shakespearean studies 1
- Yhdysvaltain sisällissota 1
- armeijat 1
- army 1
- dialogi 1
- hierarchy 1
- hierarkia 1
- interactional sociolinguistics 1
- kaunokirjallisuus 1
- military communication 1
- power and solidarity theory 1
- power relations 1
- pronouns of address 1
- sosiolingvistiikka 1
- stylistics 1
- supernatural beings 1
- viestintä 1
- vuorovaikutus 1
Thou and you in Shakespeare's plays: how people and supernatural beings address each other
Julkaistu 1995Pro gradu -
Power and politeness in historical novels set during the American Civil War
Julkaistu 2015Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu