- 5013 2
- Science in Sport Coaching and Fitness Testing 2
- Valmennus- ja testausoppi 2
- periodization
- acquisition 1
- adults 1
- age-related 1
- aikuiset 1
- balance 1
- block periodization 1
- body composition 1
- development of motor skills 1
- handstands 1
- hankinta 1
- harjoittelu 1
- hermo-lihastoiminta 1
- kehonkoostumus 1
- käsinseisonta 1
- learning 1
- liikunta 1
- motorinen kehitys 1
- neuromuscular activity 1
- nuoret aikuiset 1
- oppiminen 1
- perturbation 1
- physical training 1
- resistance training 1
- retention 1
- skills 1
- strength training 1