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- lihakset 6
- muscle
- hormonit 4
- ikääntyminen 4
- Muscles 2
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- body composition 2
- bone 2
- cold exposure 2
- cytokines 2
- energiankulutus (energiateknologia) 2
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- fat mass 2
- fuel selection 2
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- fyysinen kuormittavuus 2
- fyysinen rasitus 2
- girls 2
- harjoittelu 2
- hormones 2
- insulin-like growth factor-1 2
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- kehon koostumus 2
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- kylmäaltistus 2
Influences of muscle, fat and hormones on bone development in women : a cross-sectional and longitudinal study spanning three generations
Published 2011Get full text
Doctoral dissertation -
The effects of exercising in the cold on energy metabolism, skeletal muscle tissue oxygenation and immuno-endocrine responses
Published 2014Yhteenveto-osa
Doctoral dissertation -
Effects of aging and training on sprint performance, muscle structure and contractile function in athletes
Published 2009Linkki verkkoaineistoon
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Doctoral dissertation