- 102 3
- localisation (adaptation)
- lokalisointi 3
- Education 2
- Kasvatustiede 2
- 211 1
- Chinese teacher training 1
- Finnish education export 1
- Finnish teacher education 1
- Kansainvälinen kehitystyö (maisteriohjelma) 1
- Master's Degree Programme in Development and International Cooperation 1
- Master's Degree Programme in Education 1
- cooperation (general) 1
- culturally responsive teaching 1
- curricula 1
- design-based 1
- education and training 1
- education export 1
- foreign aid 1
- humanitarian-development nexus 1
- humanitarianism 1
- humanitarismi 1
- kansalaisjärjestöt 1
- kestävä kehitys 1
- koulutus 1
- koulutusvienti 1
- kulttuurisesti responsiivinen opetus 1
- learning 1
- non-governmental organisations 1
- opettajankoulutus 1