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- Drosophila littoralis 2
- Drosophila montana 2
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Genetic and phenotypic divergence in Drosophila virilis and D. montana
Published 2007Get full text
Doctoral dissertation -
Genetic and phenotypic divergence in Drosophila virilis and D. montana
Published 2007Doctoral dissertation -
The role of the circadian clock in adaptation in seasonally changing environment in Drosophila montana
Published 2012Doctoral dissertation -
The role of the circadian clock in adaptation in seasonally changing environment in Drosophila montana
Published 2012JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Sirkadiseen kelloon liittyvät säätelyreitit ja niiden vaikutus liikeaktiivisuuteen Drosophila-kärpäsillä
Published 2007Get full text
Master's thesis -
The effects of inbreeding, crossbreeding and stress on metabolic rate in Drosophila littoralis
Published 2009Get full text
Master's thesis -
Kylmän aiheuttamat muutokset dca- ja frost-geenien toiminnassa drosophila montana -mahlakärpäsellä
Published 2010Get full text
Master's thesis -
Designing DNA-microarray probes for adaptation studies in Drosophila montana
Published 2007Master's thesis -
Sirkadiseen kelloon liittyvät säätelyreitit ja niiden vaikutus liikeaktiivisuuteen Drosophila-kärpäsillä
Published 2007Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
The effects of inbreeding, crossbreeding and stress on metabolic rate in Drosophila littoralis
Published 2009Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -
Kylmän aiheuttamat muutokset dca- ja frost-geenien toiminnassa drosophila montana -mahlakärpäsellä
Published 2010Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis -