- expression
- tunteet 2
- 3054 1
- 5021 1
- Liikuntapsykologia 1
- Master's Degree Programme in Music, Mind and Technology 1
- Music, Mind and Technology (maisteriohjelma) 1
- Sport and Exercise Psychology 1
- basic emotions 1
- children 1
- coaching 1
- emotional communication 1
- emotions 1
- ilmaisu 1
- lapset 1
- musical factors 1
- musiikki 1
- perception 1
- regulation strategies 1
- stressi 1
- suppression 1
- valmennus 1
- valmentajat 1
Structural factors in preschool children's emotional expression in music
Julkaistu 2011Hae kokoteksti Hae kokotekstiPro gradu -