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- evolutionary computing
- evoluutiolaskenta 3
- algorithmic enhancements 2
- algoritmit 2
- compact optimization 2
- computational ingelligence 2
- differentiaalievoluutio 2
- differential evolution 2
- evolutionary algorithm 2
- evoluutioalgoritmit 2
- geneettiset algoritmit 2
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- koneoppiminen 2
- laskennallinen älykkyys 2
- matemaattinen optimointi 2
- memeettiset algoritmit 2
- memetic algorithm 2
- memetic computing 2
- optimointi 2
- optimointimenetelmät 2
- population-less optimization 2
- single-solution optimization 2
- tekoäly 2
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- Algorithms 1
- Evolutionary computation 1
- Neural Network 1
- P2P 1
- Peer-to-Peer 1
- hakualgoritmi 1
Building NeuroSearch - intelligent evolutionary search algorithm for Peer-to-Peer environment
Published 2004Master's thesis -
Memory-saving optimization algorithms for systems with limited hardware
Published 2011Get full text
Doctoral dissertation -
Memory-saving optimization algorithms for systems with limited hardware
Published 2011Doctoral dissertation