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Valta perheyrittäjänaisten subjektiivisena kokemuksena
Published 2013JYX-julkaisuarkisto / JYX Digital Archive
Doctoral dissertation -
Fighting performance as a predictor of mating success in male black grouse
Published 2010Get full text
Master's thesis -
Fighting success and immune function in the wild population of the Mediterranean field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus
Published 2005Master's thesis -
Multi-male mating and avoidance of infanticide in female bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus)
Published 2005Master's thesis -
UV coloration and status signalling in female blue tits (Parus Caeruleus)
Published 2006Master's thesis -
Fighting performance as a predictor of mating success in male black grouse
Published 2010Get full text Get full textMaster's thesis