Suggested Topics within your search.
- Ireland
- careers 2
- next generation family members 2
- organisaatiokäyttäytyminen 2
- osakkaat 2
- perheyritykset 2
- socioemotional wealth 2
- sosiaaliset suhteet 2
- sukupolvenvaihdos 2
- theory of planned behavior 2
- urakehitys 2
- urasuunnittelu 2
- yrittäjyys 2
- yrittäjät 2
- yritykset 2
- A servant of the queen 1
- Cultural identity 1
- Emigrant 1
- Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) 1
- Gonne, Maud 1
- Irish English 1
- Irish people 1
- Irlanti 1
- Sport 1
- Suomi 1
- accent 1
- attitudes 1
- cultural identity 1
- discrimination 1
- emigrants 1
"Have a worthy ambition" : a study of Maud Gonne's autobiography, A Servant of the Queen (1938)
Published 2003Master's thesis -
To enter or not to enter is not the question : a qualitative inquiry into the career experiences of next generation family members
Published 2014Doctoral dissertation -