Summary: | Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) brings new requirements for increasing number of companies to publish their sustainability disclosures. The aim of this thesis was to find out what are the effects from CSRD to Finnish forest industry companies and their value chains, to support companies’ preparedness for reporting requirements and possible changes in operating environment. In addition, this research shredded light to companies’ perceptions towards CSRD, providing insights on whether sustainability reporting regulation in this form is purposeful and effective from companies’ point of view.
This research was conducted with qualitative research method, semi-structured interviews for representatives of forest industry companies. Altogether eight companies participated in this research. In data analysis, inductive approach was used, as data was analyzed with thematic analysis to identify themes arising from the research data, providing answers to research questions.
Research findings recognized varying effects, both challenges and benefits for Finnish forest industry companies and their value chains due to CSRD. In addition, benefits for Finnish forest industry in general were recognized. Company perspectives towards CSRD were mostly reserved, questioning whether benefits from it exceed burden from it.
This study provides completely new insights into CSRD’s effects from certain industry field’s, forest industry’s, perspective. Findings contribute to supporting companies in their sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD and to providing new insights on the topic for research community. On wider aspect, research results encourage regulators to consider whether CSRD needs reviewing once the real effects of it are confirmed.