fullrecord |
[{"key": "dc.contributor.advisor", "value": "Parkkari, Jari", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "advisor", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.advisor", "value": "Perhonen, Merja", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "advisor", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.author", "value": "Pakkala, Pipsa", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "author", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.accessioned", "value": "2024-06-20T10:31:18Z", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "accessioned", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.available", "value": "2024-06-20T10:31:18Z", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "available", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.issued", "value": "2024", "language": "", "element": "date", "qualifier": "issued", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.identifier.uri", "value": "https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/96077", "language": null, "element": "identifier", "qualifier": "uri", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.abstract", "value": "Lihavuuden leikkaushoito on yleistynyt lihavuuden hoitomuotona viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana samaan aikaan, kun my\u00f6s lihavuuden esiintyvyys on noussut. Leikkaushoidolla saavutetaan tutkimusten mukaan parhaat tulokset niin painonpudotuksessa kuin lihavuuden liit\u00e4nn\u00e4issairauksissa. Elintapojen muuttaminen on merkitt\u00e4v\u00e4ss\u00e4 roolissa potilaiden hoidossa ja my\u00f6s liikunnan lis\u00e4\u00e4mist\u00e4 suositellaan hoitoprosessin alusta l\u00e4htien. T\u00e4m\u00e4n pro gradu -tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvitt\u00e4\u00e4 Sairaala Novan lihavuusleikkauspolun vaikuttavuutta 6\u201318 kuukauden seurannassa huomioiden liikuntal\u00e4\u00e4ketieteen poliklinikan toteuttama yksil\u00f6llinen liikuntahoito. Tutkimuksen aiheena olivat potilaiden kehonkoostumuksessa ja fyysisess\u00e4 toimintakyvyss\u00e4 tapahtuneet muutokset, joiden lis\u00e4ksi tarkasteltiin eroa painonpudotuksessa leikkausmenetelmien v\u00e4lill\u00e4. Tutkimuksen aineisto ker\u00e4ttiin Keski-Suomen hyvinvointialueen Sairaala Novan liikuntal\u00e4\u00e4ketieteen poliklinikan s\u00e4hk\u00f6isest\u00e4 potilastietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4st\u00e4, ja aineisto sis\u00e4lsi 119 potilaan tietoja, joista 89 sis\u00e4llytettiin tutkimukseen (tutkittavien keski-ik\u00e4 47,5 v, naisia 76 %). Tutkielman muuttujina olivat antropometriset muuttujat (paino, BMI), kehonkoostumusmuuttujat (rasvamassa, rasvaprosentti, viskeraalirasva, lihasmassa) sek\u00e4 fyysisen toimintakyvyn mittarit (puristusvoima ja 6-minuutin k\u00e4velytestin tulos). Muutoksia tarkasteltiin kolmessa aikapisteess\u00e4: preoperatiivisesti sek\u00e4 6 ja 18 kuukautta leikkauksen j\u00e4lkeen. Tutkimuksen kehonkoostumustiedot perustuvat bioimpedanssi eli BIA-mittaukseen. Fyysisen toimintakyvyn mittaukset on toteutettu poliklinikan fysioterapeutin vastaanotolla. Lihavuusleikattujen painossa ja kehonkoostumusmuuttujissa havaittiin tilastollisesti merkitsev\u00e4\u00e4 laskua 6-18 kuukauden seurannassa (kaikki p<0,001), mutta 6 ja 18 kuukauden v\u00e4liset erot eiv\u00e4t olleet tilastollisesti merkitsevi\u00e4. Kavennus- ja ohitusleikkauksen v\u00e4lill\u00e4 havaittiin tilastollisesti merkitsev\u00e4 ero 6 kuukauden kohdalla sek\u00e4 kiloina, ett\u00e4 suhteellisena painonpudotuksena ilmoitettuna (p=0,003/p<0,001), mutta 18 kuukauden kohdalla merkitsev\u00e4t erot menetelmien v\u00e4lill\u00e4 h\u00e4visiv\u00e4t. K\u00e4velty matka parani seurannan aikana (p<0,001), absoluuttinen puristusvoima laski (p=0,001-1,000), ja kehon painoon suhteutettu puristusvoima nousi (p=0,01/p<0,001). Tutkimus oli ensimm\u00e4inen Sairaala Novan lihavuusleikkauspotilailla toteutettu tutkimus ja antoi n\u00e4in ollen t\u00e4rke\u00e4\u00e4 tietoa koko lihavuusleikkaushoitopolun vaikuttavuudesta. Koska lihavuusleikkaus pudottaa painoa, muuttaa kehonkoostumusta, sek\u00e4 helpottaa liikkumista painonpudotuksen my\u00f6t\u00e4, ei tutkimuksen tuloksista voida p\u00e4\u00e4tell\u00e4, miten suuri osa muutoksista on liikuntahoidon ansiota. Tulevaisuudessa liikuntahoidon vaikuttavuutta on tarpeen tutkia lis\u00e4\u00e4 ottamalla selv\u00e4\u00e4 potilaiden liikuntatottumusten muutoksista hoitopolun aikana tai hy\u00f6dynt\u00e4m\u00e4ll\u00e4 tutkimuksessa kontrolliryhm\u00e4\u00e4.", "language": "fi", "element": "description", "qualifier": "abstract", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.abstract", "value": "Surgical treatments for obesity have become more common over the previous decades while obesity in general has increased. Studies have proven that surgery is the most effective treatment for obesity regarding weight-loss and obesity related comorbidities. Changes in lifestyle play an important role in the treatment of patients, and increasing physical activity is also recommended already at the beginning of the treatment process. The aim of this Master\u2019s thesis was to examine the effectiveness of Hospital Nova\u2019s bariatric surgery treatment path in follow up of 6 to 18 months, while taking into account the individualized exercise therapy of the Sport and Exercise outpatient clinic. The objects of the study were the changes in the patients\u2019 body composition and functional capacity variables, as well as the difference in weight loss between the different types of surgery. The research data was collected from the electronic medical report system of Hospital Nova\u2019s outpatient clinic for sports and exercise, and it included the information of 119 patients, 89 of whom were included in the study (patients\u2019 average age 47.5, 76% females). The variables for this study were anthropometric data variables (weight, BMI), body composition variables (fat mass, body fat percentage, visceral fat, muscle mass) and the parameters for functional capacity (hand grip strength and the result of a 6-minute walking test). The progress was examined three times: preoperatively, 6 months postoperatively and finally 18 months postoperatively. The body composition data of the study is based on bioelectrical impedance analysis, also known as BIA. Functional capacity parameters were measured by a physiotherapist at the outpatient clinic for sports and exercise. A statistically significant decrease was observed in 6-18 month follow ups (all p<0,001) in the weight and body composition variables of the weight loss surgery patients, however the differences between the 6-month and 18-month results were not statistically significant. A statistically significant difference was also observed between sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery, both in kilos and relative weight loss at 6 months (p=0,003/p<0,001), but at 18 months the significant differences between the methods vanished. The walking distance increased during the follow up (p<0,001), absolute hand grip strength decreased (p=0,001-1,000), and body weight relative hand grip strength increased (p=0,01/p<0,001). This was the first study that was conducted to bariatric surgery patients of Hospital Nova, and therefore the study provided important information on the effectiveness of the whole treatment path. Bariatric surgery decreases weight, changes body composition, and makes exercise easier due to weight loss, and thus it is impossible to conclude based on the results of study, how much of the changes were due to individualized exercise therapy. In the future it is necessary to study the effectiveness of individualized exercise therapy further by considering the changes of patient\u2019s exercise habits during the treatment path or utilizing a control group in the study.", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "abstract", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.provenance", "value": "Submitted by Miia Hakanen (mihakane@jyu.fi) on 2024-06-20T10:31:18Z\nNo. of bitstreams: 0", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "provenance", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.provenance", "value": "Made available in DSpace on 2024-06-20T10:31:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0\n Previous issue date: 2024", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "provenance", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.format.extent", "value": "105", "language": "", "element": "format", "qualifier": "extent", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.language.iso", "value": "fin", "language": null, "element": "language", "qualifier": "iso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights", "value": "In Copyright", "language": "en", "element": "rights", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "bariatric surgeries", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "individualized exercise therapy", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "physical education guidance", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "body composition", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "functional capacity", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "hand grip strength", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.title", "value": "Sairaala Novan lihavuusleikkauspolun vaikuttavuus : lihavuusleikkauspotilaiden kehonkoostumuksessa ja fyysisess\u00e4 toimintakyvyss\u00e4 tapahtuneet muutokset hoitopolun aikana \u2013 tuloksia liikuntal\u00e4\u00e4ketieteen poliklinikalta", "language": "", "element": "title", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type", "value": "master thesis", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.identifier.urn", "value": "URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202406204914", "language": null, "element": "identifier", "qualifier": "urn", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.ontasot", "value": "Master\u2019s thesis", "language": "en", "element": "type", "qualifier": "ontasot", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.ontasot", "value": "Pro gradu -tutkielma", "language": "fi", "element": "type", "qualifier": "ontasot", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.faculty", "value": "Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "faculty", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.faculty", "value": "Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "faculty", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.department", "value": "Liikunta- ja terveystieteet", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "department", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.department", "value": "Sport and Health Sciences", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "department", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.organization", "value": "Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4n yliopisto", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "organization", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.organization", "value": "University of Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "organization", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.discipline", "value": "Liikuntal\u00e4\u00e4ketiede", "language": "fi", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "discipline", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.discipline", "value": "Sport Medicine", "language": "en", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "discipline", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "yvv.contractresearch.funding", "value": "0", "language": "", "element": "contractresearch", "qualifier": "funding", "schema": "yvv"}, {"key": "dc.type.coar", "value": "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_bdcc", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": "coar", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights.accesslevel", "value": "openAccess", "language": null, "element": "rights", "qualifier": "accesslevel", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": 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