fullrecord |
[{"key": "dc.contributor.advisor", "value": "Bottas, Reijo", "language": null, "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "advisor", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.author", "value": "Meuronen, Joonas", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "author", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.author", "value": "Katila, Tuomas", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "author", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.accessioned", "value": "2024-05-13T15:05:32Z", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "accessioned", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.available", "value": "2024-05-13T15:05:32Z", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "available", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.issued", "value": "2024", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "issued", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.identifier.uri", "value": "https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/94798", "language": null, "element": "identifier", "qualifier": "uri", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.abstract", "value": "The purpose of this longitudinal study was to conduct associations between 5\u20137-year-olds perceived motor competence and 6\u201311-year-olds actual motor skills. In addition, gender differences in these associations were studied. Two of the main variables, perceived motor competence (PMC) and motor skills (MS), were examined separately.\n\nThe collection of the data was part of Skilled kids (2015\u20132016) and Active family (2018\u20132020) research projects, organized by The University of Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4. The most relevant information and results from the research projects that were needed for the main purpose of this graduational thesis were collected from 295 children. 142 of them were girls and 153 were boys. The PMSC-test was used to measure perceived motor competence in Skilled kids. TGMD-3- and KTK-tests were the measurement tools of motor skills in Active family. The data of the study was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 27 -program and results were reported with mean (m), standard deviation (sd) and percental shares (%). Data was described with sheets, box plots and graphs. One-way ANOVA was conducted to analyze the relationships of PMC and MS. Two-way ANOVA was used to examine possible gender effects. The Mann-Whitney U-test and t-test were applied to study gender differences.\n\nThe results indicated that there was statistically significant association between the lowest category of PMC and MS. Statistically significant associations between other categories of PMC and MS weren\u00b4t found. There were no differences between genders in PMC, MS and the association of PMC and MS.\n\nIn conclusion, the study found that the children with weakest PMC are in danger of dropping out of normal motor skill development. More research will be needed to study the association of PMC and MS in older age groups. Resources of helping the children with the lowest PMC in developing MS are extremely important for active lifestyle in the future.", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "abstract", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.abstract", "value": "T\u00e4m\u00e4n seurantatutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvitt\u00e4\u00e4, mink\u00e4laisia yhteyksi\u00e4 5\u20137-vuotiaiden lasten koetulla motorisella p\u00e4tevyydell\u00e4 on my\u00f6hemm\u00e4ll\u00e4 i\u00e4ll\u00e4, 6\u201311-vuotiaana todellisiin motorisiin taitoihin. Lis\u00e4ksi tutkittiin sukupuolten eroja yhteydess\u00e4. My\u00f6s kahta p\u00e4\u00e4muuttujaa, koettua motorista p\u00e4tevyytt\u00e4 ja motorisia taitoja, tutkittiin erikseen. \n\nTutkimusaineiston ker\u00e4\u00e4minen oli osa Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4n yliopiston Taitavat tenavat (2015\u20132016) ja Liikkuva perhe (2018\u20132020) -tutkimushankkeita. T\u00e4m\u00e4n pro gradu -tutkielman p\u00e4\u00e4tutkimuskysymykseen oleelliset tiedot ja tulokset seurantatutkimuksen molemmista vaiheista l\u00f6ytyi yhteens\u00e4 295 lapselta, joista 142 oli tytt\u00f6j\u00e4 ja 153 oli poikia. Taitavat tenavat -hankkeessa koettua motorista p\u00e4tevyytt\u00e4 mitattiin PMSC-testill\u00e4 ja Liikkuva perhe -hankkeessa motorisia taitoja TGMD-3- ja KTK-testeill\u00e4. Aineiston analysointiin k\u00e4ytettiin IBM SPSS Statistics 27 -ohjelmaa. Raportointiin k\u00e4ytettiin tunnuslukuja keskiarvolle (ka), keskihajonnalle (kh) sek\u00e4 tutkimusjoukolle (n). Aineiston kuvailemiseen hy\u00f6dynnettiin taulukoita, laatikkokaavioita sek\u00e4 muita kuvaajia. Analysoinnissa p\u00e4tevyysluokkien yhteytt\u00e4 motorisiin taitoihin selvitettiin yksisuuntaisella varianssianalyysilla ja mahdollista sukupuolen vaikutusta t\u00e4h\u00e4n yhteyteen kaksisuuntaisella varianssianalyysill\u00e4. Lis\u00e4ksi sukupuolten v\u00e4lisiin eroihin k\u00e4ytettiin Mann-Whitney U-testi\u00e4 sek\u00e4 t-testi\u00e4.\n\nTulokset osoittivat, ett\u00e4 alimman koetun motorisen p\u00e4tevyysluokan ja heikoimpien motoristen taitojen v\u00e4lill\u00e4 oli tilastollisesti merkitsev\u00e4 yhteys. Muissa p\u00e4tevyysluokissa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevi\u00e4 yhteyksi\u00e4 motorisiin taitoihin. Sukupuolten v\u00e4lill\u00e4 merkitsevi\u00e4 eroja ei ollut koetussa p\u00e4tevyydess\u00e4, motorisissa taidoissa tai niiden yhteydess\u00e4.\n\nT\u00e4ss\u00e4 tutkimuksessa selvisi, ett\u00e4 kaikkein heikoimmiksi motorisilta taidoiltaan itsens\u00e4 kokevat lapset ovat vaarassa j\u00e4\u00e4d\u00e4 j\u00e4lkeen normaalista motoristen taitojen kehityksest\u00e4. Lis\u00e4tutkimusta tarvitaan my\u00f6s my\u00f6hemm\u00e4lle i\u00e4lle n\u00e4iden kahden muuttujan eli koetun motorisen p\u00e4tevyyden ja motoristen taitojen yhteydest\u00e4. Lis\u00e4ksi keinot heikoimman p\u00e4tevyysluokan omaavien lasten motoristen taitojen kehitt\u00e4miseen ovat eritt\u00e4in t\u00e4rkeit\u00e4 liikunnallisen el\u00e4m\u00e4ntavan luomisessa tulevaisuuteen.", "language": "fi", "element": "description", "qualifier": "abstract", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.provenance", "value": "Submitted by Paivi Vuorio (paelvuor@jyu.fi) on 2024-05-13T15:05:32Z\nNo. of bitstreams: 0", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "provenance", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.provenance", "value": "Made available in DSpace on 2024-05-13T15:05:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0\n Previous issue date: 2024", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "provenance", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.format.extent", "value": "57", "language": "", "element": "format", "qualifier": "extent", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.language.iso", "value": "fin", "language": null, "element": "language", "qualifier": "iso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights", "value": "In Copyright", "language": "en", "element": "rights", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "koettu motorinen p\u00e4tevyys", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "alakouluik\u00e4", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.title", "value": "Varhaislapsuudessa koetun motorisen p\u00e4tevyyden yhteydet alakoului\u00e4n motorisiin taitoihin", "language": "", "element": "title", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type", "value": "master thesis", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.identifier.urn", "value": "URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202405133566", "language": null, "element": "identifier", "qualifier": "urn", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.ontasot", "value": "Master\u2019s thesis", "language": "en", "element": "type", "qualifier": "ontasot", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.ontasot", "value": "Pro gradu -tutkielma", "language": "fi", "element": "type", "qualifier": "ontasot", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.faculty", "value": "Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "faculty", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.faculty", "value": "Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "faculty", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.department", "value": "Sport and Health Sciences", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "department", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.department", "value": "Liikunta- ja terveystieteet", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "department", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.organization", "value": "University of Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "organization", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.organization", "value": "Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4n yliopisto", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "organization", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.discipline", "value": "Physical Education Teacher Education", "language": "en", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "discipline", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.discipline", "value": "Liikuntapedagogiikka", "language": "fi", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "discipline", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "yvv.contractresearch.funding", "value": "0", "language": "", "element": "contractresearch", "qualifier": "funding", "schema": "yvv"}, {"key": "dc.type.coar", "value": "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_bdcc", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": "coar", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights.accesslevel", "value": "openAccess", "language": null, "element": "rights", "qualifier": "accesslevel", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.publication", "value": "masterThesis", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": "publication", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.oppiainekoodi", "value": "502", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "oppiainekoodi", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "varhaislapsuus", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "motoriset taidot", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "motorinen kehitys", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights.url", "value": "https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/", "language": null, "element": "rights", "qualifier": "url", "schema": "dc"}]