Summary: | Kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastelen kirjallisuutta videopelien
vaikutuksesta pelaajan englannin kielen taitoihin. Videopelien
pelaaminen on erittäin yleistä varsinkin nuorien keskuudessa
ja sen takia sen vaikutuksia on tärkeä tarkastella. Tutkimuksia
negatiivisista vaikutuksista on paljon, mutta positiivisista
vaikutuksista ei ole yhtä paljon tutkimusta.
This Bachelor´s Thesis will be about the effects of videogames
on the players English language skills. Playing videogames is very
popular especially among young people and because of that, it is
very important to study the effects they have on the players. There are
a lot of studies done on the negative effects, but the positive
effects are not as well researched. This Bachelor´s Thesis will focus on the positive effects
on the players English language skills they get from playing videogames.