Summary: | This work deals with two important factors of the element transport in geological
materials. Firstly, element diffusion is an important migration process in geological
materials, especially when considering transport next to water conducting fractures
and shear zones. Secondly, the structure of the pore network forms an environment
for migration of elements to take place. These two factors are important when considering
radionuclide transport in geological materials in which all affecting processes are
not fully understood yet. Therefore further information and development of analysis
methods are needed.
First of all, a semi-analytical solution for advection-matrix diffusion equations in the
case of a well-mixed flow past a porous matrix was developed. Solution is based on a
Laplace transform of the equation and on using appropriate dimensionless variables.
The matrix-diffusion models considered here include the effects of a finite depth of
the matrix, varying aperture of the flow channel, the shape of the input pulse, and
longitudinal diffusion and Taylor dispersion of the element in the flow channel as well
as a non-zero initial element concentration in the matrix.
In order to validate the developed solutions, a measuring system was constructed.
Matrix diffusion was illustrated by observing the migration of KCl-tracer in the water
flowing through a channel facing a porous matrix. Migration of K+ and Cl− ions was
monitored by measuring the electrical conductivity of the solution. The experimental
system allowed also measurement of the concentration profile inside the porous matrix,
but the focus was here on the input and output (breakthrough) curves. The effects
of a finite depth of the matrix and non-zero initial concentration of tracer, predicted
by semi-analytical solutions, were successfully validated by the experiments.
Secondly, a method to characterize pore network and mineral distribution of geological
materials was developed using X-ray micro computed tomography (X-μCT),
14C-labeled-polymethylmethacrylate (14C-PMMA) method, and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM). As an example a sample of altered Sievi tonalite was used. X-μCT
was used to create 3D density maps of the samples from which different minerals and
pores were segmented. From these density maps mineral abundances, porosity, connectivity,
porosity distribution and pore size distribution were determined, together
with qualitative information about the structure of minerals and pores.
X-μCT offers information only of structures whose size is above the detection limit.
In order to get information below this limit, the 14C-PMMA method and SEM were
applied. Different minerals in the sample were identified by SEM, after which these
minerals were linked to different components observed in the X-μCT images. The 14C-PMMA method gives a 2D porosity map of imaged rock surface in which porosity
of each pixel represents the averaged porosity over its area, and thus it offers information
even from nanometer scale. Further, this information was used to determine the
intragranular porosities by superimposing the 2D porosity map with stained and segmented
image of the corresponding rock surface and then averaging the pixel porosities
over each mineral. Finally, 3D porosity maps of the samples were constructed by
combining intragranular porosities and segmented tomographic images.
Thirdly, these research issues above were combined by modeling diffusion in tomographic
images using time domain diffusion (TDD) simulations. The TDD method is
a fast particle tracking method which allows to model diffusion in 3D heterogeneous
media when local porosities and diffusion coefficients are known. The method was
first validated in various cases including comparison to analytical and numerical solution
of the diffusion equation. In addition, the results produced by the method were
compared to ones by discrete-time random-walk simulations.
TDD simulations were first applied to analyzing a diffusion experiment of tritiated
water (HTO) in altered Sievi tonalite and to determine the apparent diffusion coefficient.
Then the TDD method was applied to study the effect of material heterogeneity
on diffusion processes using a sample of altered Sievi tonalite. This study was done by
comparing simulated in-diffusion profiles in samples with heterogeneous and homogeneous
distribution of porosity and known diffusion coefficients. In the case of altered
Sievi tonalite, inclusion of heterogeneity in the porosity increased the apparent diffusion
coefficient by 16%. The method was also found to be suitable when considering
the effects of different mineral components and diffusion direction.