Summary: | From the perspectives of Pudasjärvi's managers and employees, this master's thesis focuses on the effectiveness of coaching leadership training in management practices and the work atmosphere conducted by the University of Lapland's Training and Development Unit.
In 2020, a development project funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund was launched in the City of Pudasjärvi. Coaching will provide new tools for customizing the managers' leadership styles during the project. As part of the project, the University of Lapland's Education and Development unit organize leadership training for all 29 leaders of the Pudasjärvi organization. The purpose of the training is to provide managers and the organization with tools that support the adaptation of the coaching leadership style.
The main focus of the theoretical framework is on coaching leadership, the tools it provides, leadership training, and, above all, the coaching work atmosphere. This study is a qualitative case study.
The study results show that 40% (n = 2) of managers have used the characteristics of coaching leadership before starting the training. Nevertheless, 60% (n = 3) felt that education had influenced their activities more conversationally. Almost without exception, the atmosphere in bilateral discussions perceives as open and confidential for each employee and manager. However, the atmosphere between the teams did not reflect this openness. It points out that there was a problem with internal communication. Also, some employees felt that leadership was not systematic and robust enough.
Therefore, the study concludes that leadership training does not directly impact the work atmosphere in the short term. In addition, those managers who have not previously participated in leadership training adapt new practices more than those managers who already have experience in leadership training. In order to develop a work atmosphere in similar situations, Chapter 7 suggests new tools to be tested.