fullrecord |
[{"key": "dc.contributor.advisor", "value": "Sepp\u00e4nen, Ville", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "advisor", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.author", "value": "Palola, Annika", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "author", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.accessioned", "value": "2022-05-31T13:15:03Z", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "accessioned", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.available", "value": "2022-05-31T13:15:03Z", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "available", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.issued", "value": "2022", "language": "", "element": "date", "qualifier": "issued", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.identifier.uri", "value": "https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/81380", "language": null, "element": "identifier", "qualifier": "uri", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.abstract", "value": "Terveydenhuollon digitalisaatio on tuonut mukanaan uusia digitaalisia palveluita. Digitaalisiin palveluihin tehdyt panostukset konkretisoituvat kuitenkin vasta, kun ty\u00f6ntekij\u00e4t hyv\u00e4ksyv\u00e4t ne ty\u00f6v\u00e4lineikseen. T\u00e4m\u00e4n tutkielman tavoitteena on selvitt\u00e4\u00e4, kuinka tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatiossa ty\u00f6skentelev\u00e4t terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset hyv\u00e4ksyv\u00e4t sek\u00e4 omaksuvat uuden tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6ns\u00e4. Tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n k\u00e4ytt\u00e4j\u00e4n kokeman hyv\u00e4ksynn\u00e4n taustalla on UTAUT-mallin mukaan hyv\u00e4ksynt\u00e4\u00e4 edesauttavia tekij\u00f6it\u00e4. Jotta tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatio voi reagoida ty\u00f6ntekij\u00f6iden kokemaan hyv\u00e4ksynt\u00e4\u00e4n, tutkimuksen avulla haettiin selityst\u00e4, mitk\u00e4 tekij\u00e4t vaikuttavat vahvimmin tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n omaksumiseen terveydenhuollon yksik\u00f6ss\u00e4. \nTutkielma pit\u00e4\u00e4 sis\u00e4ll\u00e4\u00e4n teoriaosuuden sek\u00e4 empiirisen tutkimuksen. Teoriaosuus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta, jossa tarkastellaan terveyden-huollon digitalisaatiota sek\u00e4 tutustutaan kahdeksaan eri teknologian omaksumista k\u00e4sittelev\u00e4\u00e4n malliin, jotka yhdistyv\u00e4t tutkielman teoreettisessa viitekehyksess\u00e4 UTAUT-mallissa. Teknologian omaksumisella ja hyv\u00e4ksymisell\u00e4 tarkoitetaan, kuinka k\u00e4ytt\u00e4j\u00e4 ottaa teknologian omakseen ja hyv\u00e4ksyy t\u00e4m\u00e4n osaksi k\u00e4yt\u00f6ss\u00e4 olevia digitaalisia ty\u00f6v\u00e4lineit\u00e4. Tutkielman empiirisess\u00e4 osuudessa UTAUT-mallin pohjalta laadittu s\u00e4hk\u00f6inen kyselytutkimus toteutettiin kohdeorganisaatiossa kokonaistutkimuksena uuden tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6nottaneissa yksik\u00f6iss\u00e4. \nM\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4llisen tutkimusmenetelm\u00e4n avulla ker\u00e4tty tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin tutkimalla tekij\u00f6iden v\u00e4lisi\u00e4 korrelaatioita sek\u00e4 hy\u00f6dynt\u00e4m\u00e4ll\u00e4 lineaarista regressioanalyysi\u00e4. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, ett\u00e4 uusi tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4 on hyv\u00e4ksytty terveydenhuollon yksik\u00f6iss\u00e4 hyvin. Tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n omaksuntaan vaikuttavina tekij\u00f6in\u00e4 tutkimustulosten valossa tunnistettiin vahvimmin UTAUT-mallin tekij\u00f6ist\u00e4 vaikutus ty\u00f6suoritukseen sek\u00e4 helpottavat olosuhteet. N\u00e4iden lis\u00e4ksi toteutuneella k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6nottoprojektilla n\u00e4htiin olevan vaikutus siihen, kuinka ty\u00f6ntekij\u00e4t omaksuvat tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n. \nTerveydenhuollon alalla toteutetun tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n hyv\u00e4ksymist\u00e4 sek\u00e4 omaksumista tutkivan tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ett\u00e4 tietoj\u00e4rjestelmist\u00e4 saatava hy\u00f6ty, sek\u00e4 k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6n kohdistuvat odotukset yhdess\u00e4 toteutuneen k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6noton kanssa edesauttavat terveydenhuollon ammattisten kokemaa hyv\u00e4ksynt\u00e4\u00e4. N\u00e4ihin tekij\u00f6ihin on kohdeorganisaation syyt\u00e4 kiinnitt\u00e4\u00e4 erityist\u00e4 huomiota suunnitellessa uusia tietoj\u00e4rjestelmien k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6nottoja.", "language": "fi", "element": "description", "qualifier": "abstract", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.abstract", "value": "Increased digitalisation of health care has brought new digital services. However, investments in digital services will only concrete once employees accept them as their working tools. The aim of this Master\u2019s Thesis is to find out how the health care professionals working in the research target organization accept and adopt the new information system. According to the UTAUT model, there are factors behind the acceptance experienced by the user of the information system. In order to the target organization of the study to respond to the acceptance experienced by employees, the study sought an explanation of which factors have the strongest impact on the adoption of an information system in a health care unit.\nThe theses includes a theoretical part as well as empirical research. The theoretical part consists of a literature review, which examines the digitalisation of health care and introduces eight individual technology acceptance models, which are combined in the theoretical framework of the theses, in the UTAUT-model. Technology adoption and acceptance refers to how a user adopts technology and accepts it as part of the digital tools in use. In the empirical part of the thesis, an electronic survey based on the UTAUT model was executed in the target organization as a census study of the units that have started to use new information system.\nThe research data collected using the quantitative research method was analyzed by examining the correlations between the factors and utilizing linear regression analysis. The research results show that the new information system is well accepted in the health care units. The research results show also that factors of UTAUT-model, most impact to user acceptance of information system has performance expectancy and facilitating conditions. In addition to these, the completed deployment project had an impact on how employees deploy the information system.\nThe results of a study on the acceptance and adoption of information systems in the field of health care show that the benefits of information systems, as well as the expectations for use, together with the completed implementation, contribute to the acceptance experienced by health professionals. The target organization should pay special attention to these factors when planning new deployments of information systems.", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "abstract", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.provenance", "value": "Submitted by Miia Hakanen (mihakane@jyu.fi) on 2022-05-31T13:15:03Z\nNo. of bitstreams: 0", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "provenance", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.provenance", "value": "Made available in DSpace on 2022-05-31T13:15:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0\n Previous issue date: 2022", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "provenance", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.format.extent", "value": "72", "language": "", "element": "format", "qualifier": "extent", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.format.mimetype", "value": "application/pdf", "language": null, "element": "format", "qualifier": "mimetype", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.language.iso", "value": "fin", "language": null, "element": "language", "qualifier": "iso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights", "value": "In Copyright", "language": "en", "element": "rights", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "teknologian omaksuminen", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "saavutettu hy\u00f6ty", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.title", "value": "Tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n hyv\u00e4ksyminen terveydenhuollossa", "language": "", "element": "title", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type", "value": "master thesis", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.identifier.urn", "value": "URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202205313004", "language": "", "element": "identifier", "qualifier": "urn", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.ontasot", "value": "Pro gradu -tutkielma", "language": "fi", "element": "type", "qualifier": "ontasot", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.ontasot", "value": "Master\u2019s thesis", "language": "en", "element": "type", "qualifier": "ontasot", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.faculty", "value": "Informaatioteknologian tiedekunta", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "faculty", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.faculty", "value": "Faculty of Information Technology", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "faculty", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.department", "value": "Informaatioteknologia", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "department", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.department", "value": "Information Technology", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "department", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.organization", "value": "Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4n yliopisto", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "organization", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.organization", "value": "University of Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "organization", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.discipline", "value": "Tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4tiede", "language": "fi", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "discipline", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.discipline", "value": "Information Systems Science", "language": "en", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "discipline", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "yvv.contractresearch.funding", "value": "0", "language": "", "element": "contractresearch", "qualifier": "funding", "schema": "yvv"}, {"key": "dc.type.coar", "value": "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_bdcc", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": "coar", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights.accesslevel", "value": "openAccess", "language": null, "element": "rights", "qualifier": "accesslevel", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.publication", "value": "masterThesis", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": "publication", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.oppiainekoodi", "value": "601", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "oppiainekoodi", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "tietoj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4t", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "terveydenhuolto", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "digitalisaatio", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6notto", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.format.content", "value": "fulltext", "language": null, "element": "format", "qualifier": "content", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights.url", "value": "https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/", "language": null, "element": "rights", "qualifier": "url", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.okm", "value": "G2", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": "okm", "schema": "dc"}]