Summary: | Tässä tutkielmassa otan käyttöön ja karakterisoin fysiikan laitokselle hankitun ener-
giasensitiivisen röntgenkameran Advacam WidePix L 1x10. Hankinnan tarkoituksena
on mahdollistaa energiasensitiivinen kuvantaminen. Kameran karakterisoitavaksi om-
inaisuuksiksi valitsin energiaresoluution, paikkaresoluution, kynnysten kohinareunan
ja fotonien laskentanopeuden. Mittausten tulokset ovat lähellä valmistajan ilmoit-
tamia arvoja, sekä aiemmin tehtyjä mittauksia Medipix 3RX -siruista. Kamerasta
löytyi ongelma, sillä energiaresoluution määrityksessä huomasin pikseleiden välillä
olevan huomattavia eroja amerikium-241 radioisotoopin 59.5409keV röntgenpiikin
In this thesis, I commissioned and characterized a photon counting x-ray camera for
the complex materials research group. The camera Advacam WidePix L 1x10 is a new
device for the group and for the Physics Department of University of Jyväskylä. The
intention for acquiring the new camera was to enable energy sensitive tomography. I
chose energy resolution, spatial resolution, photon counting speed and the noise edge
of the energy thresholds as characteristics to be measured and determined from the
camera. The measured values agrees with the measurements done on the Medipix
3RX chip which is the base of the acquired camera. The measurements also agrees
with the specificiations given by the manufacturer. However, I found out that the
energy resolution varies from pixel to pixel. This discrepancy was when measuring
the characteristic 59.5409keV X-ray peak of Americium-241. The ultimate reason
for this discrepancy wasn’t found but it is likely due to imperfect pixel-wise energy
calibration of the camera.