Summary: | Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an automation technology, which allows
organizations to automate their high volume, simple and repetitive tasks. By
implementing RPA, the organizations can refocus human resources into other
value creating tasks and increase efficiency while limiting human error. The
aim of this master’s thesis was to study the suitability of RPA in an invoice factoring
process. The focus of this study was on the positive and negative aspects
of a possible RPA implementation would bring to the organization, what a successful
RPA project would look like and if RPA is the correct automation technology
for the process. The case company in question is a medium sized financial
services organization in Finland. In the literature review portion of this
study the case for RPA implementation is built based on previous research on
the subject. The literature review is divided into two parts. The first part looks
at RPA in general and then expands to the strengths and weaknesses of RPA,
the suitability of RPA and then finally what a possible implementation could
look like. The second part focuses on how to conduct a successful RPA project.
Based on the findings of this study, RPA is a suitable automation tool for part of
the process. The part where simple data searches are being made to determine
eligibility to finance are more than suited to be automated for RPA. The study
also finds that RPA is best seen as a temporary solution to solve the simplest
and most pressing automation issues organizations have, while developing
more cognitive and capable technologies on the side. The organizational changes
that a RPA implementation can be broad but were mainly seen as positive.
This includes the change of job description, completely new positions and the
change of organizational culture as a whole. The study revealed the success factors
for a successful RPA project to being a robust communication, a well developed
plan, organizational preparedness and proper documentations. The
findings of this study partially confirm the findings of previous studies but the
lack of specific studies into invoice factoring leaves room for further studies.
This study can be used as a guide in the planning phase of a RPA implementation