Summary: | Ice hockey as a game is metabolically very demanding, and well trained aerobic and
anaerobic metabolism is needed. Adolescent players have their own schedule according
to growth and maturation. There might be huge differences at growth and maturity
during pubertal and adolescent years. The aim of this study was to examine changes in
the performance profile during the competitive season and compare changes in
performance profile between early and late matured subjects.
The measurements were done during the competitive season (Spring 2011 – Spring
2012). Subjects of this study were 14-15-year old male ice hockey players, who were
competing at the highest national level. The measurements were done four times during
the competitive season: PRE before preparatory period, MID1 between preparatory and
competitive period, MID2 on Christmas break and POST after the competitive season.
Neuromuscular (maximal and explosive strength of lower- and maximal strength and
muscle endurance of upperbody and trunk), cardiorespiratory (maximal graded bicycle
ergometer test) and on ice skills (skating- and stickhandling track) were tested.
The neuromuscular performance improved significantly (p<0.05) between PRE to
POST in maximal bilateral isometric leg extension (from 3425±578N to 3847±696N)
and maximal trunk extension and flexion (trunk extension from 85.8 ±12 kg to 98.7±14
kg and trunk flexion from 68.4±13 to 74.9 ± 15 kg). Between the group comparison the
early matured group were stronger in all measurements. No differences were found in
the speed and explosive strength tests. The cardiorespiratory performance measured by
peak power (W) in the maximal graded bicycle ergometer changed significantly
(p<0.05) between PRE to POST (from 282,9±26 W to 298±26 W). The early matured
group had significantly (p<0.05) higher peak power compared to late matured group in
all measurements. In relative change during competitive season, the late matured
subjects improved performance more compared to the early matured group in strength,
speed strength, speed and on ice skills.
The physical performance tests showed that subjects were able to improve and maintain
their physical performance level over the competitive season. According to the present
results, the early matured subjects were bigger and stronger compared to the late
matured group. In speed, on ice skill and explosive strength tests, no differences were
found. This information suggests that early matured players have an advantage at the
game, because they are bigger and stronger, and are as fast and skilled as late matured
players. Late matured players improved physical performance level and on ice
performance more compared to early matured subjects. According to this information, it
may be too early to jugde players at this age, because growth is still going on.