fullrecord |
[{"key": "dc.contributor.advisor", "value": "Sirpa , Tapola-Tuohikumpu", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "advisor", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.author", "value": "P\u00f6yry, Sanna-Mari", "language": "", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "author", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.accessioned", "value": "2020-03-02T06:36:23Z", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "accessioned", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.available", "value": "2020-03-02T06:36:23Z", "language": null, "element": "date", "qualifier": "available", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.date.issued", "value": "2020", "language": "", "element": "date", "qualifier": "issued", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.identifier.uri", "value": "https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/68012", "language": null, "element": "identifier", "qualifier": "uri", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.abstract", "value": "Kirjallisuuteen perustuvan tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella, millaisia vaikutuksia\njoukkueurheilun harrastamisella on maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiseen, ja mill\u00e4 ehdoin vaikutukset\ntoteutuvat. Tutkielmassa etsit\u00e4\u00e4n vastausta siihen, ketk\u00e4 maahanmuuttajista hakeutuvat ja\nhyv\u00e4ksyt\u00e4\u00e4n urheilun pariin, ja kuinka yhdenvertaisesti harrastusmahdollisuuksia on tarjolla.\nKirjallisuuteen perustuvan tutkielman aineiston muodostavat kaksitoista vertaisarvioitua artikkelia,\njoista kaksi on kirjallisuuskatsauksia ja yhdeks\u00e4n tutkimusartikkeleita. Artikkelit on julkaistu\naikav\u00e4lill\u00e4 2009-2019. Aineistossa kotoutuminen ymm\u00e4rret\u00e4\u00e4n eri tavoin; (1) akkulturaationa, (2)\nsosiaalisen ja kulttuurisen p\u00e4\u00e4oman muutoksena, ja (3) inkluusiona, joka kumpuaa toimijan eli\nkotoutujan ja monitahoisten sosiaalisten ja kulttuuristen rakenteiden v\u00e4lisest\u00e4 vuorovaikutuksesta\nsek\u00e4 (4) Suomen kotouttamislakiin kirjattuna kotoutumisen m\u00e4\u00e4ritelm\u00e4n\u00e4.\nTutkielman tulokset osoittavat, ett\u00e4 joukkueurheilun pariin l\u00f6yt\u00e4v\u00e4t, hyv\u00e4ksytyt ja aktiiviset\nmaahanmuuttajat hy\u00f6tyv\u00e4t urheilun harrastamisesta, mik\u00e4li toiminnan j\u00e4rjest\u00e4misess\u00e4 on huomioitu\netniset ja sosiaaliset kysymykset. Harrastusmahdollisuudet eiv\u00e4t ole yhdenvertaisesti kaikkien\nsaatavilla. Osa maahanmuuttajista kohtaa toisia enemm\u00e4n diskriminoivia k\u00e4yt\u00e4nt\u00f6j\u00e4\njoukkueurheilussa. Joukkueurheilun vaikutukset kotoutumiseen on tutkielmassa jaettu yksil\u00f6llisiin\nja sosiaalisiin vaikutuksiin. Tuloksista k\u00e4y ilmi, ett\u00e4 joukkueurheilulla on n\u00e4iden lis\u00e4ksi\nkotoutumisen kannalta haitallisia vaikutuksia. Edelleen tuloksista ilmenee, ett\u00e4 maahanmuuttajien\njoukkueurheilun harrastamiselle on olemassa monenlaisia esteit\u00e4. Osallistumisen esteiden\ntiedostaminen ja ylitt\u00e4minen, sek\u00e4 sosiaalisten, kulttuuristen ja etnisten tarpeiden huomioiminen ovat\nedellytyksi\u00e4 joukkueurheilun avulla kotoutumiselle.", "language": "fi", "element": "description", "qualifier": "abstract", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.abstract", "value": "The purpose of the literature-based thesis is to examine the effects of team sports to the immigrant integration. Which conditions are needed that integration will take place in team sports? Who will become accepted into the team sports by native players, and who won\u2019t? How equally there are recreational opportunities for immigrants to take part into the sport teams? \nThe material of the thesis based on the literature comprises twelve peer-reviewed articles, two of which are literature reviews and nine are research articles. Articles have been published for the period 2009-2019. In the material, integration is understood in different ways; (1) acculturation, (2) change in social and cultural capital, and (3) inclusion that emerges from the actor, interaction between the integrator and the complex social and cultural structures and (4) as defined in the Finnish Act on Integration.\nThe results of the thesis show that team sports will support the integration of immigrants for some individuals. But there are unequal opportunities to become accepted to the sport teams. Based on the material, some structural factors like age, home country and gender effect on these opportunities. Active behavior will support integration. The active behavior is prerequisite for the integration through team sport. After all, immigrants benefit from sporting activities, especially when ethnic and social issues are taken into account. Recreational opportunities are not the same for everyone. Some immigrants face more discriminatory practices in team sports. On the thesis, the impact of team sports on integration is divided into individual impacts and social impacts. The results show that team sports have effects on integration. Some of the effects are positive, some negative. Further results show that immigrants meet many obstacles to practicing team sports. The awareness of these obstacles is needed, when team sports is being used for integration. There are also need for deeper consideration of social, cultural and ethnic needs prerequisites when organizing multicultural team sport.", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "abstract", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.provenance", "value": "Submitted by Miia Hakanen (mihakane@jyu.fi) on 2020-03-02T06:36:22Z\nNo. of bitstreams: 0", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "provenance", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.description.provenance", "value": "Made available in DSpace on 2020-03-02T06:36:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0\n Previous issue date: 2020", "language": "en", "element": "description", "qualifier": "provenance", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.format.extent", "value": "38", "language": "", "element": "format", "qualifier": "extent", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.language.iso", "value": "fin", "language": null, "element": "language", "qualifier": "iso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights", "value": "In Copyright", "language": "en", "element": "rights", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "kotoutumista tukevat vaikutukset", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.other", "value": "(sosiaalinen) inkluusio", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "other", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.title", "value": "Joukkueurheilu maahanmuuttajien kotoutumisen tukena : kirjallisuuteen perustuva tutkielma", "language": "", "element": "title", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type", "value": "bachelor thesis", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": null, "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.identifier.urn", "value": "URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202003022235", "language": "", "element": "identifier", "qualifier": "urn", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.ontasot", "value": "Bachelor's thesis", "language": "en", "element": "type", "qualifier": "ontasot", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.ontasot", "value": "Kandidaatinty\u00f6", "language": "fi", "element": "type", "qualifier": "ontasot", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.faculty", "value": "Humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekunta", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "faculty", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.faculty", "value": "Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "faculty", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.department", "value": "Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "department", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.department", "value": "Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "department", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.organization", "value": "Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4n yliopisto", "language": "fi", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "organization", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.contributor.organization", "value": "University of Jyv\u00e4skyl\u00e4", "language": "en", "element": "contributor", "qualifier": "organization", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.discipline", "value": "Sosiaality\u00f6", "language": "fi", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "discipline", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.discipline", "value": "Social Work", "language": "en", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "discipline", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "yvv.contractresearch.funding", "value": "0", "language": "", "element": "contractresearch", "qualifier": "funding", "schema": "yvv"}, {"key": "dc.type.coar", "value": "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_7a1f", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": "coar", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights.accesslevel", "value": "openAccess", "language": null, "element": "rights", "qualifier": "accesslevel", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.type.publication", "value": "bachelorThesis", "language": null, "element": "type", "qualifier": "publication", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.oppiainekoodi", "value": "210", "language": "", "element": "subject", "qualifier": "oppiainekoodi", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "sosiaalinen p\u00e4\u00e4oma", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "maahanmuuttajat", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "kotoutuminen (maahanmuuttajat)", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "integraatio", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "urheilu", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "monikulttuurisuus", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "joukkueurheilu", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.subject.yso", "value": "sopeutuminen", "language": null, "element": "subject", "qualifier": "yso", "schema": "dc"}, {"key": "dc.rights.url", "value": "https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/", "language": null, "element": "rights", "qualifier": "url", "schema": "dc"}]