Summary: | Autism spectrum disorder (also called ASD) is the fastest growing disability. Research shows that music is a relational, emotional, and motivational medium that plays an essential role in field of music therapy, specifically for individuals with autism. This Master’s thesis aims at describing the intensive music therapy process with a 24 year-old Turkish-Cypriot male client diagnosed with ASD in a group setting concentrating on his four main areas of impairments (verbal/non verbal, social interaction, organization/perception and aspects of behavior) and how Creative Music Therapy affected such impaired areas. Results were in correspondence with previous studies about music therapy in treatment of individuals with ASD giving support to the notion that through the process of music therapy, the client was given the opportunity to actively participate in music-making within various and appropriate settings as music accommodated the client’s levels and abilities. The applied music therapy seemed to serve as an effective alternative and demonstrated the fact that informal, fun and functional uses of music at institutions such as the Irfan Nadir +18 rehabilitation center can benefit individuals with autism. The case of the client in this study also showed music’s contribution in helping people with autism to live a happier and more fulfilling life.