Summary: | This master’s thesis concerns the use of the microscopic quasiparticle-phonon model
in the study of the beta minus decay of Cd-115. The first part of this text concentrates on
the theoretical description of nearly spherical open-shell odd-A nuclei by using the
microscopic quasiparticle-phonon model. The treatment of the subject is far from
exhaustive but all the necessary relations needed in the practical application of the
formalism are provided in the text.
The second part provides the theory that is needed for the study of beta minus decay. In addition to the general theory of forbidden beta minus decay, also the greatly simplified case of
allowed transitions are discussed. Again rather than providing a fully comprehensive
treatment of the subject, a more streamlined approach is adopted. All the various
relations that are needed in the practical application of the theory are provided in
the text.
Finally, in the third and final part of the text the above theoretical framework is
applied to the beta minus decay of Cd-115. In addition to the ground state transitions of
Cd-115, it is also possible to study the transitions coming from the first excitation
state due to its isomeric character. Because of the various possible ways of carrying
out the fitting of the QRPA phonons, several sets of calculated partial half-lives
are obtained. The calculated partial half-lives are compared to experimental results.
For several transitions values that are fairly close to the experimental ones can be
found. However, in many cases there are large disrepancies between the two. Some
of the transitions seem also to be very sensitive to the adjustments made to the
QRPA phonons. The effect of varying the nucleon spin-orbit interaction strength
was studied as an additional exercise.