Summary: | This thesis explores what are the factors that impact the success in motorcycle racing. The subject is relevant to investigate since there have not been many scientific researches of motorcycle sport and the factors behind the success. Fifty-four motorcycle World Champions from 16 different countries and representatives of the six most successful motorcycle sport countries answer to the research question: “What makes a champion in motorcycle sport?” It is also investigated how the society influences the success in motorcycle sport and how the federations and clubs could improve their training programmes. The empirical data was collected by interviewing the experts in the field of elite-level motorcycle sport. The interviews of the World Champions were carried out face to face, via emails and by phone as structured interviews. The research process was completed by using a mixed method that consisted mostly of qualitative data, i.e. the previous literature and interviews of the representatives of most successful motorcycle sport countries, which was supported by quantitative findings, i.e. the interviews of the World Champions. The information gained from the World Champions was interpreted against societal theories and compared with their cultural and family backgrounds. When exploring and comparing the material, the similarities and links of certain nationalities and age groups were gained. The results of this thesis show that the society has a significant impact on success and the main societal factors influencing the success of motorcycle rider are the training possibilities near their home place, a supportive societal environment and previous motorcycle success of the country. The main personal factors influencing the success are competitive personality, passion, flair, good balance and determination of the rider.